About us

Natural Burials is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 1999 by a group of New Zealanders wanting to create and operate natural burial cemeteries. To this day it is staffed entirely by volunteers. If you would like to help, especially advocating for local cemeteries, please get in touch.

Our fundamental premise is that in death people can make the ultimate gesture to the environment – by ensuring their death funds and nourishes the restoration of land to a more natural state.

The principle is part of a wider movement that aims to bring about a psychologically healthier social attitude to death.

Prominent in forming our organisation have been GPs and other health professionals, funeral directors, business-people, sociologists, educators, lawyers, and environmentalists.

In 2002 we resolved to change the fact that there were no natural burial cemeteries outside of the UK. We cast around our home of New Zealand looking for suitable locations. We settled upon Wellington, the capital city, which had a particularly receptive population and a visionary Council to assist us. In 2008 we established the first natural cemetery in a city outside of the UK.

Since then we have advocated for natural burials in NZ, helping establish other cemeteries, and setting up a certification process for cemeteries, funeral directors and caskets.

Our NZ approach differs from the UK in that we have to satisfy numerous laws and by-laws. Since the current law implies that only local authorities can set up and run cemeteries, we chose to partner with local authorities to provide cemeteries. We’ve come a long way since complete resistance from councils in 1999. There are now many natural cemeteries and “zones”. Over half of them are certified by us, or were set up on our guidelines.

Some councils have consigned natural burials to small zones, which will never be forests and still have to conform to old ideas of grave depth and mowable lawns. That’s not good enough. It is one reason will still try to change the law. We were a core contributor to the Law Commission 2014 review of the Burials and Cremation Act which has recommended allowing non-council cemeteries.

110 replies on “About us”

Hi Sally – yes indeed you can use your own shroud at our certified cemeteries – and it is very much encouraged!

Is it possible to have your ashes buried? My Dad wants to be cremated and has spoken about having a Kauri seedling planted. He said just put me in the back yard but not so keen on that idea. He definitely doesn’t want his body buried in a ‘normal’ cemetery he wants to be cremated first.

Yes it is possible to have ashes buried at our certified cemeteries – but we strongly encourage burial naturally!. Ashes are benign but lack nutrients for plants. Rules for burial of ashes at natural cemeteries depend on the council. Some allow ashes, some only when part of a full natural burial. Depending on your location, some councils have ash-only plots available in non-natural burials zones – where trees are planted above, or somewhere nearby.

Kia ora,
My partner and I are committed to natural burials as allergic to pin striped softly spoken undertakers taking control.
We had an interesting discussion this morning, the question is if an autopsy is required does the mortuary stitch the scalp back in place and chest cavity and what ramifications for bringing us home for a couple of days. With our parents it wasn’t a problem as no autopsy so we used ice for a couple of days.

Yes, the pathologist will stitch everything back together, and the body can be bought home. The length of time at home after autopsy will depend of the length of time since death. If it was over a week at the mortuary, then you’d want the stay at home to be no longer than 24-48 hours – using icepacks on the body etc.

Hello, I am applying for a denominational burial ground as I would like to promote natural burials. Do you know of any legislation, regulation or simply information in New Zealand or abroad about where is this best site for a burial ground in terms of proximity to water, slope, size. Thank you. Nuwa

There is no regulation covering this, and the science is a bit thin, and hard to pin down to a simple rule. It depends on soil structure, water table, depth of burial and vegetation between the body and water. The UK Environmental Agency recommended 20 meters, and that’s a rough guide used here in NZ for many activities conducted near waterways. Natural burials are less likely to leach into the waterway because they’re shallower, decompose faster, and there’s plenty of vegetation – so biological activity utilises the materials before they are carried through the soil.

HI, would really like a natural burial…but wondering if not embalmed how long after dying do you need to be buried? Only two of the three children are overseas, so getting them back could be tricky in a hurry.

One week is maximum in home-chilling situations. You have more weeks available if you use a proper chiller available at some funeral directors.

The conditions for coffins mention “soft-wood” and “hardwood”, I think these terms are misleading and easily misunderstood. Softwood is wood from conifers including both pine trees and native conifers like rimu and tōtara. Hardwood is wood from trees with flowers. Hardwood can be soft (balsa wood is a hardwood) and softwoods can be hard (tōtara is a hard softwood) the terms have nothing to do with the softness, lightness or speed of decomposition of the wood. Willow is a hardwood but the list of suppliers of certified coffins includes Go Willow. If the requirement is for softness then I recommend using the words such as “softer wood (e.g. radiata pine)” and “harder wood” and steering away from anything that can be read as “softwood” and “hardwood”.

I am seeking help as I have concerns after hearing that the PNCC work into a natural burial option has not been progressed by PNCC staff but that they are instead recommending the use of Whanganui natural burial ground (which is an hour away and uncertified). This is a very disappointing recommendation. I am giving public comment at our PNCC community committee about this tomorrow. I only have 3 minutes.

I have been thinking about the number of times our city councillors have approved progressing the natural burial option only for it to fail at the planning and implementation stages. A call for community proposals for suitable sites is one idea to suggest. Have others done this with success? This could work well here, especially as we have a strong environmental umbrella group in Environment Network Manawatū. They have supported having a natural burial cemetery but have not been very active on this issue as yet and it seems to come back to me.

I am also wondering if Palmerston North City Council staff have been in contact with you about the natural burial option and how significant their contact and research may have been.

Ngā mihi mahana

Hello, please can you explain if there are any restrictions around natural burial e.g if the deceased has been receiving chemotherapy or other toxic treatments which might be as detrimental to the earth as embalming fluid? Many thanks for this wonderful service.

Hello Su. There are no restrictions in terms of treatments prior to death. There is one thing to be very wary of though: bodies of people who had been receiving chemotherapy and many other cancer treatments do tend to deteriorate rapidly after death. That can shorten the time available between death and burial, without embalming and even with chilling, to maybe two days. At the least, this could affect your ability to allow viewing, as the body won’t be in a good state. The funeral director is the best person to advise on what could happen, as they’ll have the experience.

This is what I have wished for. No way do I want a coffin. I’m a garden lover and told my loved ones I want to be composted into the earth. I’m in Canterbury, is there anything set up yet?

I see on Stuff there are 19 councils in NZ who offer natural burials, does anyone know which ones do it.

The eye-watering fees for a natural burial in Dunedin are: plot purchase $2341.20, interment fee $1685.10, cemetery maintenance fee $946.60 (hopefully a one-off), for residents or non-residents of Dunedin.
Are these fees similar to other natural burials cemeteries? Paul

They’re fairly similar Paul. Wgtn cost $2800. Akld costs over $3300. Provincial cemetery costs are usually $2000-2500.
The critical factor in the price is land cost – cemetery prices are increasingly accurately covering the real cost of long term occupation of the land. Cemetery prices have in the past been heavily subsidised (ie. paid for by rates of the living).

Hello. We are very interested in a natural burial when our times are up. My wife’s daughter passed away a few years ago, and was cremated. Is it OK to have her ashes buried with my wife?

Our suggestion in cases like yours is simply that the ashes are placed in a biodegradable container with your wife, when the time comes. There’s no need to seek permission because any objects can be in the coffin as long as they are non-toxic and biodegradable.

Re DIY coffins for a natural burial – “No composite boards are allowed unless eco-certified by an authority recognised by Natural Burial”. Do you keep a list of composite board suppliers that you recognises to be eco-certified? I’m having difficulty finding suitable wood materials. Thanks,

There are effectively no particle-style boards that are ‘eco certified’. All environmental certifications so far relate to the airbourne emissions released from these boards over time. They don’t relate to the release of glues etc into the soil. They all use glues – usually a Phenol – which is best described as low toxicity. We also have to consider that they are manufactured in a more energy intensive and polluting process than milled wood. Our certification permits use of particle materials where they are a small part of the casket – such as the base-board, which is sometimes used in cardboard caskets. In terms of suitable materials, there are plenty of untreated locally sourced and milled woods availble.

Hello. Is soft pine pallet wood ok ? I presume it is untreated ? and is ok just to have a base board to be carried on with the body in a shroud ? blanket or something ? Cheers.

Hi there – yes, the wood used for many pallets (but not all) is untreated, so fine to use. Best to check. And yes, you could use it as a base board to carry a shrouded body. The best shrouds are very large cotton or calico sheets, wound many times around the body. They give plenty of extra material for grip. A blanket could be too small for easy winding, binding and carry.

Hi, do I get to choose the genus and species of native tree that would planted? Do the Natural Burials take into consideration the local biodiversity, and what grows naturally in the area (for example it is no good choosing a Kauri if you live too far south as they will not grow there). Is there a list of types of tree that can be planted, or even if a tree is needed, if someone just prefers to be part of a bigger forest? What are the maintenance costs for? Do the trees have to remain stand-alone or is a natural environment where self-seeding, and diversity of naturally occurring species is allowed to eventually take over, to allow virgin forest to re-grow, including all the naturally occurring bird and insect species?

Those are very good querstions Colette. The species of tree you can choose depends on the cemetery and region. In wellington, for example, we now have 20 different natives you can choose from. Funeral directors and councils can supply the tree list for each lcaol cemetery. Maintenance costs usually relate to the landscaping cost at setup, occasional clearance of pathways, and upkeep of some facilities like seats, water, shelters. REgarding long term growth, it’s down to the different policies decided by each council. Our preference is minimal interference – letting the trees grow, die, seed naturally, but keeping some tracks open for access. Some councils have taken a more hands-on appraoch to groom or shape the forest – it depends on the location (some are close to or within existing traditional cemeteries, so councils don’t want them too thick and wild).

Hi there
When setting up a Will, is stating the wish for a natural burial at Makara enough? or do I need to prebook a plot marker while still in the land of the living? Cheers

Stating the wish for a natural burial, preferably at Makara in your case, in your will should be enough. That said, wills aren’t often looked at until your buried, so it’s wise to tell your family and firends, and even to confirm the wishes in a “living will”. You could donate to our orgs work and get a living will if you like via this website.

Good question. Ideally, the 750mm is the bottom of the grave, giving you about 500mm or a little more from top of casket to the surface.

Bottom of the casket / Body – which means there’s approximately 500mm or more between top of casket/body and the surface. The amount of distance is not that important – the closer to the surface, the faster and ‘cleaner’ the decomposition – thanks to air and volume of bacteria and organisms.

I’m so excited!! Well not about eventually dying haha but about there being an alternative to formal cemeteries and/or cremation. I never liked the thought of being embalmed and never wanted to be buried in a formal plot….and as a keen gardener love the idea of being compost for a preserved native forest!

Have you had any other enquiries to establish one in the Kaipara District?

I’d be keen to get the ball rolling to get one established around here. I just learned of the Whangarei one, but I’d like to be closer to the Kaipara Harbour. I hopefully have plenty of years left yet to get the ball rolling!

Hi there,
Yes, the Whangarei site is exciting because it’s the noly one in an existing forest. It has been hard to stir interest in the far north, and we have not had anyone come forward to activate local people.
It usually only needs a few to suggest the idea, and introduce it to the public, and support from the public starts. But dying is not something many people think too much about, so although they’ll support the concept, they won’t necessarily help. Please email us to talk further – we can provide information on how to get a cemetery set up with the local council.

We have a group of 8+ people who have met to discuss, and are very interested in, starting a natural burial option in the Far North – initially for the Kaitaia, Taipa, and Herekino districts. We made initial contact with Far North District Council this year, and are ready to get cracking on the idea in 2020. We also have close contacts with Transition Town Kaitaia and the EcoCentre in Kaitaia – both hubs of lots of people keen on sustainability. Keen to receive any info that you can provide. All the best, Gill Minogue

Hi, have you made any progress in the Manawatu for Natural Burial grounds? We live there and are most interested…

Hi there Anna – we’ve replied to you by email. In short, the Council decided to suspend the planned site in 2015. As a volunteer group we’ve got to concentrate our effort, so we stopped working there until conditions changed.

Hi there, can you tell me please if when you die you have to be buried (planted 🙂 ) at your nearest natural burial site or can you choose one anywhere in NZ? I plan to live my life out mostly here on the Coromandel but I feel like I’d like to be laid to rest in Wellington near ancestors in Karori cemetery. Will it be possible to go there if my family are responsible for transporting my body? Which brings me to my next question : please can you give me the location of natural burials in Wellington and are they anywhere near Karori? Thanks so much.

Hello Sarah,
You can choose any cemetery in NZ to be buried. Sometimes councils will charge a fee for ‘out of district’ burials for people who have not lived locally. Your family can transport your body themselves, using their own vehicle. There’s a natural cemetery in Wellington (Makara). That’s not Karori cemetery, which is effectively a closed cemetery. Makara cemetery is out on the Wellington West coast, you get there by driving past Karori cemetery, continuing along the road to South Kaori and a little beyond. https://goo.gl/maps/r6jfhoRSpnksakRS9

You can be buried at any cemetery you wish. your family can transport the body themselves – there’s no law or legal requirements about transport (and there’s no need for it). The natural cemetery in Wellington is out at Makara (go through south karori and out toward the west coast)

Kia Ora, I was wondering if there was a central register that records statistics on natural burials within New Zealand and if so how to access it. I’m interested to know numbers and rate of growth of natural burials over the past few years for some research I’m doing, and in particular the number of natural burials using coffins/caskets compared to those that are shrouded only. Thank you,

Hi there, No, there is no central register, but we’re the closest you will get short of going around each council running a natural cemetery. Our estimate, counting Wgtn, Dunedin, Banks Pens, Palmerston N, Auckland, Hamilton, Kapiti, Thames, and Whangarei, is approximately 330. There’s no record of what people are buried in, but based on our experience shrouds-only are rare – about 1 or 2 per hundred. There’s two we know of at Wgtn. So it’s unlikely to be more than 5 or 6 of the total burials.

Hi there,

Do you know of anyone who may have enquired about setting up a natural burial site in the Taupo/central plateau region? I am interested in forming a group and perhaps submitting a proposal for a Natural Burial site in Taupo/central plateau region. Do you know if there are some areas of NZ that are just not suitable because of the soil type or any other environmental reason (i.e thermal activity etc). What testing/requirements does a proposed site need?

Thanks for your help.

Hello Tilly, I’ve replied via email. We’ve had no recent inquiries from the Taupo region, but that doesn’t mean there is no interest. Sometimes it needs to start with one or two people and ourselves raising the issue publicly. We’d be happy to help you set up a group.

Hi there. we’ve had a few inquiries from the region in the past year, but nothing is currently being planned. The key difference is that there is no local group organised to help us get one set up.

I first came across capsula mundi a few years ago on FB and thought wow thats a great idea. I havent thought too much about eco burials until quite recently and that this would be a great idea in New Zealand. Upon doing a little research I have discovered that yourself is a vehicle through which change has come about in this country of ours.

What interested me about the capsula mundi was its organic look and feel. The design seemed to fit within the holistic framework of a naturally evolving eco-system or environment if you will. You referred to the design as being not very pragmatic. What I’m interested in is the philosophy encompassing the concept of natural burial. What is the purpose? What is the projected outcome? Will the end result of natural burials be a return to old growth forest wilderness or will it be a botanical gardens type forest? This I think is why the philosophy part is so important.

Be interesting to read your feedback

Hi there, the purpose is largely to retunr the body into the natural cycle of the earth, but the reasons why people adopt a natural burial can differ. For many it just feels ‘natural’. The intention of all cemeteries we’ve certified in NZ is to return the landscape to its pre-human flora. But they will not be untouched wildnerness – part of the philosophy is to encourage a deeper connection, and comfort, with death. So the sites encourage visitors – there are paths etc. I encourage you to visit one to find out. We hope they are halfway between old growth forest and native botanical gardens, but where exactly they land differs according to the local council that sets it up.
This functionality – the need to operate as a human place, means we have to be realistic about the philosophy. That’s one of the reasons we knew straight away that the capsula mundi was the work of an idealist rather than someone who actually had to conduct a natural burial. Those things are not designed for carrying over fields and through forest, let along digging a suitable hole and lowering it in.

Do you have any information or advice on how someone might go about establishing a new natural burial site? I would like to know where to start. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.

I live in Kerikeri and am interested in working with Council to establish a natural burial site adjacent to the existing cemetery. There is a land put aside for future use and maybe it could be converted into a site that follows your recommendations.

Have you heard from anyone in this area who has expressed interest in such a site? I haven’t got a clue on how to approach Far North District Council about this.

I look forward to hearing back.


Hi there – we haven’t heard from many in the Far North. That doesn’t mean no one is interested at all – it’s probably more a case of people not aware of it as an option and not thinking they can change the situation. You’ll know there is now a cemetery in Whangarei? I knoww that’s not a solution, but it means there is one not too far away.
Your question about how to approach the council is a big one – and can’t be answered quickly here. We’re happy to help – call us. In short, you call the Parks manager to find out whether they have plans, then sound out a couple of Councillors about the need for one and probable demand (it’s about 30% of people in any region), then see if you can get some support of residents (organise a public meeting / ask through local media and social media) and at least one local funeral director, then submit a proposal to (probably) the council environment committee (we have proposal templates) to adopt a policy of creating one… then keep the pressure on until they create one in conjunction with our organisation. It sounds daunting, and it isn’t easy or quick – but we’ve done it in many towns now – we can help.

Hi – annoyingly I haven’t checked the Natural Burials website for some time. Now that I have I see you in your reply that there is a natural burial site in Whangerai. I don’t see it listed in the areas of NZ (on the site) but this could be because the site hasn’t been updated.

Would you be able to help me? I have looked on-line for the cemetery in Whangerai but I’ve drawn a blank. Could you advise how to get in touch with the Whangerai cemetry that has natural burials available?

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing back.

Glenys Bean

I live in the North Hokianga and think establishing a natural burial site over our way would be awesome- we too, come under the Far North District Council. It doesn’t seem right that during our lives we can live any where but after life we have restrictions on our choices due to a lack of natural burial sites.

I am looking for natural burial possibilities in Te Awamutu and on private land in Pirongia where we have a QETrust covenant. One idea is to set up a family business. Another is to try to set up something for family and friends.. It seems that most natural burial forests are set up by trusts on council land. Apart from Urupa , are people finding any other options? I am 83 and would like my family to just dig a hole and bury my remains under a tree but evidently they would not be allowed to stay there and that would create a problem.

June Bright

Hi June. Plenty of people on large tracts of rural land still bury their own. It’s against the law not to be buried on land zoned a cemetery unless your last resting place before burial was over 31km from a cemetery.

When we looked at the ‘social enterprise’ model in the early days of the organisation, our lawyers advised at great expense to us that although the wording of the Burials and Cremations Act was somewhat unclear, they felt certain that the intent of the politicians had been that ONLY local authorities could run cemeteries. That is, they could not be a business. You could set up a scheme with family and friends, but you would have to get the land zoned as a cemetery by the council. The only viable option is to work with councils, and after almost 20 years, we’re now finding no resistance. There’s plenty of room for some councils to set up sub-standard natural cemeteries though…

Hullo again. I have shifted my energy to lobbying the Waipa District Council to establish a natural burial ground on part of their large reserve on Sainsbury Road in Pirongia. Can you email me a copy of your template? I am also planning to construct my coffin from giant bamboo but would like some advice on how to put it together sustainably.

Hiya 🙂 i have been reading a lot about natural burial lately and truly believe that people should be more informed and know about this option more!! i used to be all about cremate and scatter but, bugger it!, let me rot in the ground the good old fashioned way!! Harming none 🙂 i am in tauranga and see that we are pretty out of luck here!! how do i go about trying to change this?? do i approach local council? go chat to a funeral home? pester all my friends with my death-pinions??
any advise greatly appreciated 🙂

Hi there, you’ll need a small group of commited people, and the backing of our organisation – we’ve got all the paperwork on how to set the cemeteries up. You approach the council directly and request it – first some friendly councillors, then likely the local council parks and recreation staff. A supportive local funeral director would be an advantage.

Earlier I read something about ‘nothing synthetic in the ground’ … I smashed my elbow and subsequently received a metal implant … would this need to be removed to qualify for a natural burial? Just curious …

That is the operating principle of natural burials – nothing synthetic added to the ground. But its a principle – sometime practicalities have to be accepted if there’s no alternative. Funeral Directors don’t remove the metal implants and our protocols don’t require it. Ultimately, the metal will rust and turn into its originally compounds, so it’s not technically pollution…

because I had a bad experience with an undertaker when my son was killed mountaineering and I care deeply about the environment, if I followed your natural burial guide lines why can’t I be buried on my own land beside my dogs and the good stand of native bush forest looking out from my Hill?

Sorry to hear about that bad experience. We have found funeral directors to be an essential part of spreading the word about natural burials – but not all of them are into it, or the parallel ideas of choice and family involvement.

In terms of being buried on your own land: Plenty of people on large tracts of rural land still bury their own. It’s against the law not to be buried on land zoned a cemetery unless your last resting place before burial was over 31km from a cemetery.

When we looked at the ‘social enterprise’ model in the early days of the organisation, our lawyers advised at great expense to us that although the wording of the Burials and Cremations Act was somewhat unclear, they felt certain that the intent of the politicians had been that ONLY local authorities could run cemeteries. That is, they could not be a business. You could set up a scheme with family and friends, but you would have to get the land zoned as a cemetery by the council. The only viable option is to work with councils, and after almost 20 years, we’re now finding no resistance. There’s plenty of room for some councils to set up sub-standard natural cemeteries though…

Hi there Fiona – I’m sorry but we’ve not had any contact with anyone trying to set up a site at Waiheke. We’d be pleased to learn about local people wanting a site, and only to glad to help them out.

It’s great to see the new natural burial area at Waikumete Cemetery officially opened this week. A lovely blessing ceremony and tree planting was held.

Hi there – do you know anything about a potential site in the Bay of Plenty. Someone told me about a proposed site in Te Puke. Do you know who I can contact about this? I would like to help advocate for a site here – and have started a graphic design project on natural burials. Perhaps I can help them out?

HI there Lisa,
We’re not aware of a site planned in Te Puke, but there is a small effort gathering to set one up. You should get in contact with Wendy, the secretary-treasurer of Te Puke Environmental forum. They held an Environmental Forum in July about Natural Burials. They are keen on all the support they can get. In our experience, local effort is one half of the solution to getting a council to set one up. The other half is the contribution of our experience.

Just curious really. What certification(s) do State of Grace hold that makes them the organization certified funeral directors? Are there natural burial / cremation service certifications one should be aware of when researching funeral homes and directors??

Hello Dean,
That’s a very good question. Yes, State of Grace are certified by as as funeral directors who carry out natural burials to our standard. This is not a certification of their funeral directors training, but rather that they know how to carry out a natural burial (there’s practical actions required when not embalming, and in following a “nothing synthetic in the ground” approach), that they ensure a personalised funeral, and that they are committed to the principles. Customer feedback is important to our continued certification. There is general inudstry training for funeral directors, and customers should look for evidence of that – but there is little substitute for experience, and for talent in the customer-facing elements of natural burials.

Hi – wonderful to find your site, and thank you for all the work you are doing! We are interested in setting up an eco-burial option on Waiheke and would appreciate your advice.
Meantime, please advise re your publications – is there both the book for $19 and the Natural Wishes living will pack for $17 incl p&p? I would like both. Thanks. Robin

Hello Robin,
I apologise for missing this message from you. That’s great news that you’re looking at setting up a natural cemetery in Waiheke. That is a wonderful location! Please contact us directly by phone to discuss how we can work togethert to make it a reality: 0800 525 500.
Yes, we have the book for $19, which covers a lot of the practical aspects behind natural burial and advice on what’s involved in the burial, funeral and in the cemeteries. Our living will pack is $30, and includes the book, living will template documents, a guide to writing a living will and various background material. The best option is to deposit the money into our bank account and email us your contact details: info@aqa.kzx.mybluehost.me
All proceeds go to our not for profit work like helping people who want to set up natural cemeteries!

Hi…I’dI say thank you for the work you are doing….what about hawkes bay? Any options for a natural burial there? And is there an advocacy group that you know of?

Hello Jenny,

We’re not aware of any plans in the Hawkes Bay. We’ve had two or three people from the area buried in the Wgtn cemetery. In terms of groups, there was a Hawkes Bay “die-alogue” held by the
Hospice Tairawhiti in May at a Gisborne café. They got people together to talk about death and dying. They are hoping to convene a group of people particularly interested in natural burials, to help advocate for a natural cemetery locally, If you are interested, contact
Nicola Carroll, nicola@hospicetairawhiti.org.nz

Hi, First great work doing this! I’m hoping there’ll be an eco-plot for me when my time comes.
Also, a few things for your consideration to make this web-page better, if/when you have time. 1. I can’t read the bluey grey text below here, on the green background.You might like to consider a brighter font for the text.
2. Dates on posts would be good, so we know how recent or old the information is. Maybe they are there but not visible because of 1.
3. links to the cemeteries with eco burial sites and to some suitable funeral directors.
I realize you’re probably all volunteers with lots of other stuff to do, and understand perfectly if this is low priority or beyond your capacities at present. Just thought you’d like to know about the visibility issue.

Thanks for the heads up and advice. We’ve recently changed to the wordpress format, and it’s taken some getting used to. We’re adding content gradually this week.

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I am really interested in the natural burial idea mostly from and ecological point of view. I don’t have any expertise in funerals, but I would be interested in being involved in an advocacy group.

Hello. Please could you let me know what options are available in the South Canterbury area. In fact, do you have a list for the whole of New Zealand? We have just buried my dad in England in a beautiful woodland cemetery and I want to ensure I can do the same in NZ. Thanks.

Hi there, we’re afraid that there is nothing around your area yet. Christchurch and Dunedin both agreed to set one upa long time ago, but have not found a site. Current sites in the South Island are in Marlborough and Nelson. North Island sites are in Wellington (the flagship), Otaki, New Plymouth, Carterton, and Hamilton (not certified).

Hi there, Can you please give me some info regarding any natural burial sites near Christchuch. many thanks from Michele

Hello. Current sites in the South Island are in Marlborough and Nelson. Christchurch and Dunedin both agreed to set one upa long time ago, but have not found a site. Christchurch Council has all but given up looking for one. We’re concentrating on finding one on Banks Peninsula. There is a Canterbury region support group, advocating to set up a site.

Hi ,
Can you tell me if there is any update on natural burial sites in the Auckland region? I would love to see this pushed forward. I understand Waikumete Cemetery is nearly at capacity and was wondering what thought has been given to new burial sites. It would be great to start off a new site with a natural burial area.

Very good question. We’ve advocated for a site in the region for years. Amalgamation held things up. Waikumete Cemetery is proposing setting one up in a new dedicated zone. We’ve not had a chance to see it, but we know from our work elsewhere that location is very important to the success. We are trying to pull together a fledgling advocacy group and need people to lead it. If you can help, please let us know – otherwise, keep watching these pages for more info.

Hi like one of your questions this is also from Auckland. Who are your organisation certified funeral directors you may suggest up here so embalming etc does not occur. I understand that there is still a delay in obtaining eco funerals here but if you wanted to go to Wellington you still could but pay an out of area fee?

Our certified funeral director in Auckland is State of Grace funerals. They’re wonderful. Most funeral directors know how to deal with not embalming, but you have to be insistent. I’m afraid you are right about the out of area fee the Wgtn Council charges to people who have lived outside Wellington city for more than five years before death. It’s about $900. If that’s not a significant problem, funeral directors, or friends and relatives, can transport the body themselves to Wellington. It’s happened a couple of times already. There is a site in Hamilton, but it is not yet certifed by us.

Not very well we’re sorry to say. We have had absolutely no interest from the Council in the past when we have appraoched them. Are you interested in being part of a local advocacy group? They make all the difference in our work partnering with Councils to set up a successful site. We have had several inquiries from people in Whangarei. Please let us know.

what is the closest natural burial site to Central Auckland? How would I arrange for this in my will?

Thanks in advance

Hello there,
Unfortunately you don’t have many options in Auckland or the region. The closest is in Hamilton. Although we have not yet certified this cemetery, it was prepared after consultation with us, and we have offered to the Council that we certify and promote the site.
The Waikumete cemetery in Auckland is looking into setting up a natural burial zone and we have approached them to assist and certify. But it has not yet ready.
In terms of arrangements, your best course is to mention in your will that you want a natural burial at a natural cemetery BUT you also need to write this in a “living will” which you keep around home and provide to who-ever may be looking after your affairs should you die. Our organisation certified funeral directors who are able to conduct natural burials. If you use a certified director, they will know what to do the moment they are called.
Thanks for your question.

Hi, my friend has a terminal illness and has always wanted to be buried under a tree. How do we go about this and what are the costs involved. Is there a cemetery near Feilding?

Hello, your closest natural cemetery is Otaki, as Palmertson North Councillors voted down the planned site, so another one is being sought. All you will need to do is contact the local Natural Burials certified funeral director, Kapiti Coast funeral home (04-298 5168), and they will help with arrangements including booking the plot. An alternative is to plan on using the Wellington cemetery, which is nicer.

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