We have seen a considerable increase in inquiries about using shrouds, and an increase in their actual use.
They are a wonderful DIY project for yourself or for a loved one, and add dignity and natural aura to a burial. Patterns have been graciously made available here: https://cindea.ca/shrouds.html
Or you can buy beautiful shrouds from people experienced in the combination of beauty, natural fabrics, practicality and strength, required of shrouds. Two options are are many variations available from ake ake shrouds, and the simpler format at return to sender.
You can use shrouds as carriers of the body, in which case carrying handles are recommended. For shallow burials, lowering is a very physical exercise. It is made easier if a base board is used outside or inside the shroud, and the body lowered using straps tucked through handles and under the board. They are be recovered by pulling out, or remain inside the grave.
Image from Ake Ake Shrouds.