The new natural cemetery in Whangarei is the first and currently only natural cemetery that buries in an existing native forest. We love this approach – used in many cemeteries in the UK – because it means the grave is immediately within a live forest habitat.

The format does result in a “messier” look to the initial grave – see photo – but the forest floor will soon recover.

The Whangarei cemetery uses most of our burial protocols but has not sought certification. It buries caskets 800mm deep.

Click Cemetery-Information-Pack-Burials-2018  for the Council’s information pdf.

3 replies on “Whangarei cemetery first in existing forest”

Not at the moment. LEgal advice to us is that the Burials and Cremations Act intended that only councils (local authorities) could set up cemeteries. A Ministry of Health proposal was consulted on a few years ago which, among other things, was to make it possible for private cemeteries to be set up – but would need approval of the local council (ironically). The Ministry of Health is currently pretty busy, so we don’t envisage new legislation for many years yet.

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